How well does a given pitch fit into a tonal scale\nor tonal key, let it be a major or minor key?Asimilar question\ncan be asked regarding chords and tonal regions. Structural\nand probabilistic approaches in computational music theory\nhave tried to give systematic answers to the problem of\ntonal attraction.We will discuss two previous models of tonal\nattraction, one based on tonal hierarchies and the other based\non interval cycles. To overcome the shortcomings of these\nmodels, both methodologically and empirically, I propose a\nnew kind of models relying on insights of the new research\nfield of quantum cognition. I will argue that the quantum\napproach integrates the insights from both group theory\nand quantum probability theory. In this way, it achieves a\ndeeper understanding of the cognitive nature of tonal music,\nespecially concerning the nature of musical expectations\n(Leonhard Meyer) and a better understanding of the affective\nmeaning of music.